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Erase, Copy, Mirror, Move

Erase, Copy, Mirror, Move
Erase, Copy, Mirror, Move
Used to delete an object.

Used to double the desired object.

Used to reflect an object corresponding symmetry line we want.

Used to move the object to the desired position.

Command: erase
Select objects: 1 found (click on object 1)
Select objects: (enter)
before after

Command: copy
Select objects: 1 found (click on point 1)
Select objects: (enter)
Specify base point or [Displacement] : (Click point 2 as a reference point the multiplication)
Specify second point or : (click on the spot desired)
Specify second point or [Exit / Undo] : (enter)

Command: mirror
Select objects: 1 found (click on object 1)
Select objects: (enter)
Specify first point of mirror line: (click point 2)
Specify second point of mirror line: (click point 3)
Erase source objects? [Yes / No] : (N for leave the original object, Y to delete object origin)

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